My Hero Academia Tsuyu Asui Hero Costume Progress Bar for YouTube

My Hero Academia Tsuyu Asui Hero Costume

My Hero Academia Tsuyu Asui Hero Costume
My Hero Academia Tsuyu Asui Hero Costume progress bar


Rainy Season Hero: Froppy or simply Tsauyu Asui is a student in Class 1-A at U.A. High School training to become a Pro Hero in the My Hero Academia anime series. Tsuyu is a cute short girl of a relatively slender build and large hands. She looks a lot like a frog with her wide mouth and oval-shaped eyes. Tsuyu has very long hair dark sea green in color. Her hero costume is a bright green turtleneck, tan gloves, and two belts. She is a very straightforward and aloof individual who always speaks bluntly from her mind and prefers her friends to call her Tsu. She always honors her teachers adding -chan to their names in respect. A fanart My Hero Academia progress bar for YouTube with BHNA Tsuyu Asui Hero Costume.