Spy x Family Anya Forger Panic Progress Bar for YouTube

Spy x Family Anya Forger Panic

Spy x Family Anya Forger Panic
Spy x Family Anya Forger Panic progress bar


Spy x Family anime character Anya Forger's true origins and the source of her telepathic abilities are largely unclear. Before being found at the orphanage, she was made by accident in the research experiments conducted by an unknown organization. Anya got a code name Test Subject 007 and was forced to learn how to use her powers. Before Anya met Loid she was fostered and returned to orphanages, but she asked to stay with Loid. Loid helps Anya to memorize the answers to the entrance exam, but Anya tries to cheat with her telepathic abilities, and she panics realizing that she cannot use them to cheat. A fanart Spy x Family anime progress bar for YouTube with Anya Forger Panic.