Gravity Falls Mabel and Dipper Grappling Hook Jump Progress Bar for YouTube

Gravity Falls Mabel and Dipper Grappling Hook Jump

Gravity Falls Mabel and Dipper Grappling Hook Jump
Gravity Falls Mabel and Dipper Grappling Hook Jump progress bar


While on a summer in Gravity Falls Dipper and Mabel were told by Stan Pines that they both can choose one item from the Mystery Shack gift shop, but he forgot that his grappling hook was there. That military-grade grappling hook was used by Stan Pines in a heist but he left it in a box in Mystery Shack and forgot about it. Of course, Mabel chose it as her gift, despite Stan's protests. But Mabel made good use of that grappling hook when she had to fight Gideon Gleeful to take back the Mystery Shack. This helping tool appeared a few times in the Gravity Falls cartoon helping Mabel to save Dipper and the town. A fanart Gravity Falls cartoon progress bar for YouTube with Mabel and Dipper Grappling Hook Jump.