Cute Corgi Face Play Progress Bar for YouTube

Cute Corgi Face Play

Cute Corgi Face Play
Cute Corgi Face Play progress bar


Believe it or not but there is a right way to pet your cute corgi dog, or any dog or puppy, and we are sure that you want it as dogs have their natural magnetism. Dogs are cautious about new people, so first ask the owner, then let the dog approach you, if the dog wants to be petted it will approach you eagerly, with a wagging tail. If not, better give them their space. Dogs are individuals and like to be petted in their own ways. Allow the corgi or any other dog to initiate the contact and then, try petting under the chin or on the neck, shoulder, side, or rump, but without tail touching. Use long gentle strokes along a dog's back if the dog is okay with that you can face squish that corgi a bit. A cute custom progress bar for YouTube with Cute Corgi Face Play.