Friday Night Funkin' Hello Kitty Progress Bar for YouTube

Friday Night Funkin' Hello Kitty

Friday Night Funkin' Hello Kitty
Friday Night Funkin' Hello Kitty progress bar


Friday Night Funkin' has a new mod starring Sanrio's character Hello Kitty called Friday Night Kitty or Hell on Kitty created by Daralynarts. The mod is based on various Sanrio media of the Hello Kitty franchise. Its story starts with Hello Kitty in bed waking up to get ready for the day. She walks outside but sees a rapping couple Boyfriend and Girlfriend who offer Hello Kitty a rap battle. She sings a couple of songs with them and tries to leave a scene but her flowed design doesn't let her do that so she grows sad and moves back home while Girfriend looks in sorrow. A fanart Friday Night Funkin progress bar for YouTube with Friday Night Kitty Hello Kitty.