Pizza Tower Fake Peppino Chasing Progress Bar for YouTube

Pizza Tower Fake Peppino Chasing

Pizza Tower Fake Peppino Chasing
Pizza Tower Fake Peppino Chasing progress bar


Pizza Tower is a popular indie game that was released in 2021. The game is set in a world where pizza is the only food that exists, and players must climb a tower of pizza to reach the top. One of the most mysterious characters in Pizza Tower is Fake Peppino. Fake Peppino is a copy of Peppino, the game's main character. However, Fake Peppino is different from Peppino in a few key ways. First, Fake Peppino is much taller than Peppino. Second, Fake Peppino has jittery movement while also being moist and slimy. Third, Fake Peppino has a permanent smile on his face. A fanart Pizza Tower progress bar for YouTube with Fake Peppino Chasing.