Genshin Impact Ambers Baron Bunny Dance Progress Bar for YouTube

Genshin Impact Ambers Baron Bunny Dance

Genshin Impact Ambers Baron Bunny Dance
Genshin Impact Ambers Baron Bunny Dance progress bar


Baron Bunny is Amber's explosive puppet elemental skill in the online RPG Genshin Impact. Amber can call Baron Bunny to protect her from the enemies and help her fight them. Upon landing, Baron Bunny dances getting the attention of the nearby enemies and performs a 180 degrees turns while dancing for eight seconds. If it is not detonated prematurely it will explode dancing after Baron Bunny's last flip facing the direction it was thrown at, damaging and throwing back the enemies surrounding it. When Amber throws Baron Bunny her countdown does not start until Baron Bunny will land. Baron Bunny can also be used by Amber to activate the pressure traps. A fanart Genshin Impact progress bar for YouTube with Baron Bunny Dance.