Genshin Impact Mao Xiangling Cat Attack Progress Bar for YouTube

Genshin Impact Mao Xiangling Cat Attack

Genshin Impact Mao Xiangling Cat Attack
Genshin Impact Mao Xiangling Cat Attack progress bar


Mao Xiangling is a popular character from the action role-playing game Genshin Impact, known for her culinary skills and fiery personality. Mao is a member of the Liyue Qixing and has the unique ability to manipulate fire with her Pyro Vision. With Pyro Vision Xiangling can summon a giant flaming cat to attack her enemies. This cat, known as the Little Chef, has become a symbol of Mao's fiery personality and her love for cooking. Mao's unique abilities and playful personality make her a standout character in the game. With her Pyro Vision and her love for spicy food, she's sure to spice up your gaming experience. A fanart Genshin Impact progress bar for YouTube with Mao Xiangling and her Cat Attack.