Nyan Grumpy Meme Progress Bar for YouTube

Nyan Grumpy Meme

Nyan Grumpy Meme
Nyan Grumpy Meme progress bar


Tardar Sauce was more famous by a nickname she received while she was an American Internet celebrity cat - Grumpy cat. She was known for many memes showcasing her grumpy facial appearance. But I'm sure that Tardar Sauce was a nice cute and playfully little kitty, and not what is shown in her role in memes. Even CNN had an article about Grumpy Cat and their research has shown that Grumpy Cat achieved more in her short seven-year lifetime more than most people do. Tardar Sauces' cultural influence extended to books, movies, celebrity appearances, and more. And now she got added to the Nyan cat meme with Nyan Grumpy Cat. A Nyan meme custom progress bar for YouTube with Nyan Grumpy Cat meme.