Minecraft Zombie Riding a Pig Progress Bar for YouTube

Minecraft Zombie Riding a Pig

Minecraft Zombie Riding a Pig
Minecraft Zombie Riding a Pig progress bar


In a Minecraft Bedrock edition, there is a small chance of spawning a rare mob that has a hostile mob on riding another mob, like a very rare Zombie Pig Jockey, where Minecraft Zombie Riding a Pig. The Jockey mobs were first added in the update of the 0.11.0 version of the Minecraft game. A Zombie Pig Jockey spawns as a Baby Zombie or a Zombie Pigman riding a Pig mob. This Zombie Riding a Pig mob called Pig Jockey moves very fast, making it very hard to outrun. But in this Zombie Pig Jockey combo, only the Zombie mob is hostile, while the Pig mob remains passive and will not attack the player. But it still can be a threat, as since Minecraft patch 0.14.0 Zombies control the Pigs they are on. A fanart Minecraft progress bar for YouTube with Zombie Riding a Pig or Zombie Pig Jockey.