Star Wars BB-8 Progress Bar for YouTube

Star Wars BB-8

Star Wars BB-8
Star Wars BB-8 progress bar


BB-8 nicknamed BB is a BB-series astromech droid and is a character of the Star Wars cinematic saga and one of the most loved characters of the new Star Wars movies. BB-8 has a dome head that looks like it was taken from the R2 series with a bulk body made out of a ball on which his head is rolled. BB-8 droid once belonged to a Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, whom he accompanied on the flights on Poe's T-70 X-Wing Starfighter. BB-8 has joined Finn, Rose, and DJ aboard the Supremacy in the final stages of their mission. Later BB-8 used an AT-ST walker to carry Finn and Rose to a Xi-class light settle they used to escape. A fanart Star Wars progress bar for YouTube with Star Wars BB-8 astromech droid.