How To Use

How to use the constructor?


Go to the page with the Constructor.

Go to the page with the Constructor.

Upload an image.

  • 1.

    Click on the field and select the desired image or drag it using your computer mouse (one image at a time) or paste the image URL.

Upload an image.

Slider settings.

  • 1.

    Select the desired size and position of the slider.

  • 2.

    Select the desired height of the slider.

  • 3.

    Select the desired color of the slider.

  • 4.

    To reset the values to the initial settings, click the 'Reset' button.

Slider settings.

Saving and adding the image to the extension.

  • 1.

    Click the 'Save and Add' button to save changes and add the finished slider to the extension.

  • 2.

    Click the 'Undo' button to go back one step in the slider settings.

Saving and adding the image to the extension.