How To Use

How to use Custom Progress Bar?


Custom Progress Bar menu

To activate the menu and change YouTubes progress bar, click on the extension icon located on the Chrome toolbar. A popup will appear.

Custom Progress Bar menu

Setting the custom progress bar

Go to the popup window and hover your mouse over the desired progress bar tile and click on it.In the same way, you can select any other Progress Bar in the list..

Setting the custom progress bar

How to find progress bar's you added

Open the main extension window and click the search bar. Input your query and the extension will display the results.

Didn't find what you were looking for? You can always visit our website for more custom progress bars.

How to find progress bar's you added

Disabling Custom Progress bar for YouTube

You can completely disable the extension by pressing the “ON / OFF” button on the top of Custom Progress Bar menu. All the last settings are saved, and after switching it ON you won't have to re-select the desired Custom Progress Bar.

Disabling Custom Progress bar for YouTube

After turning off the extension, the YouTube player's design will change to default.If that doesn't happen - reload that YouTube tab.