Minecraft Green Frog Progress Bar for YouTube

Minecraft Green Frog

Minecraft Green Frog
Minecraft Green Frog progress bar

Description :

A frog in the Minecraft sandbox game is a passive mob that can be sound in swamps and feasts on small slimes and magma cubes. When a Minecraft frog eats magma cubes it can produce one of the three kinds of froglights and those can be used as light sources by a player. Green frog produces verdant froglight and those froglight emit the highest level of light possible of a light-emitting block. Frogs usually spawn in groups of two to five frogs in the swamps or mangrove swamp biomes. And they also can be grown from a tadpole, a frog larval in one of the needed biomes. Frogs move slowly wandering and jumping at random around the swamp. A fanart Minecraft progress bar for YouTube with a Green Frog mob.