Friday Night Funkin' Skid and Pump Progress Bar for YouTube

Friday Night Funkin' Skid and Pump

Friday Night Funkin' Skid and Pump
Friday Night Funkin' Skid and Pump progress bar
Logo Custom Progress Bar for Youtube

Custom Progress Bar for YouTube


Skid and Pump are originally a stars from the Spooky Month web series created by Sr Pelo, but now are two primary antiheroes of the Week 2 of the Friday Night Funkin' rhythm game. In the FNF game they are performing tracks Spookeez and South. Skid and Pump are two small kids in Halloween costumes. Skid wears a skeleton costume and Pump is in a costume of a pumpkin with a cape on his back. They work in a team with Skid is resing atop Pump's head and both of the kids share one microphone in FNF. In FNF Skid and Pump also like to do a little Spooky dance while they are not singing. Newgrounds have confirmed that Skid and Pupm will become playable characters in the future. A fanart Friday Night Funkin' progress bar for YouTube with Skid and Pump.