Mario Super Mushroom Progress Bar for YouTube

Mario Super Mushroom

Mario Super Mushroom
Mario Super Mushroom progress bar
Logo Custom Progress Bar for Youtube

Custom Progress Bar for YouTube


Mario Super Mushroom has many names among the fans, like Power-Up Mushroom, Magic Mushroom, or a Power Booster Mushroom. But this Alice in Wonderland cake alternative serves a particular function depending on the Mario game that you play. Its first and most common effect is to turn small Mario into his super form, making him more powerful with the ability to smash bricks. Starting from Super Mario Bros. Super Mushroom is your faithful companion thru many Mario game series, like the Lost Levels, SMB 3, Super Mario Land, Super Mario World, Super Paper Mario and etc. And now Mario Super Mushroom can accompany you in your browser as a Super Mushroom progress bar for YouTube!