Marvel Dead Doctor Strange Progress Bar for YouTube

Marvel Dead Doctor Strange

Marvel Dead Doctor Strange
Marvel Dead Doctor Strange progress bar
Logo Custom Progress Bar for Youtube

Custom Progress Bar for YouTube


Doctor Stephen Strange is a great neurosurgeon and the Earth's Supreme Sorcerer that defends our planet from the supernatural and interdimensional threats that no other hero can handle. The final chapter of Marvel's Doctor Strange's life starts with Moon Knight and Captain Marvel. One day, Doctor Strange found his old enemy Kaecilius at his door, who took a dagger and killed him. When extradimensional threats began overtaking earth Sranges duplicate resurrected him by using a healing spell on Kaecilius, who had foolishly given both Strange's soul and his hands. However, the resurrection didn't last long, as Death has chosen to reclaim Stranges's soul. A fanart Marvel progress bar for YouTube with Dead Doctor Strange.