Pulp Fiction Confused Travolta Meme Progress Bar for YouTube

Pulp Fiction Confused Travolta Meme

Pulp Fiction Confused Travolta Meme
Pulp Fiction Confused Travolta Meme progress bar
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Custom Progress Bar for YouTube


Confused Travolta is an animated meme that features a cutout of the actor John Travolta from the black comedy film Pulp Fiction edited into other videos or images of various contexts. In 2012 a user named karmafrappuccino started the trend on Imgur by using a cutout of Vincent Vega played by Jonh Travolta looking around a room while being spoken to over an intercom by Mia Wallace. Later another Imgur user uploaded a Confused Travolta GIF with Travolta in a supermarket toy aisle searching for a doll for his daughter, and that gif gained over 3 million views. They even posted a tutorial on how to use Confused Travolta meme gif using various video editing software. A meme custom progress bar for YouTube with Pulp Fiction Confused Travolta Meme.