Minecraft Ender Dragon Fly Progress Bar for YouTube

Minecraft Ender Dragon Fly

Minecraft Ender Dragon Fly
Minecraft Ender Dragon Fly progress bar
Logo Custom Progress Bar for Youtube

Custom Progress Bar for YouTube


The Ender Dragon is a gigantic dragon-hostile boss mob that can be found when first entering the End, a dark space-like dimension in the Minecraft sandbox game. In Minecraft, players encounter Ender Dragon as a naturally spawning mob, and she is the largest mob in the game. She guards access to the end gateways that provide entry to the outer islands and to the exit portal to the Overworld. Ender Dragon can charge at the player and annihilate him with her dragon acid attacks. When the battle begins with Ender Dragon, a purple health bar appears on top of the player's screen, the edges of the screen darken, and black fog covers everything around. A fanart Minecraft progress bar for YouTube with Ender Dragon Fly.