Pokémon Cyndaquil Progress Bar for YouTube
Cyndaquil is a fire-type Pokémon that evolves into Quilava starting at level 14 and further evolves into Typlosion at level 36. Cyndaquil is one of the three starter Pokémon of Johto available from the beginning of Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver alongside Chikorita and Tododile. Cyndaquil is a small cute Pokémon with blush fur on top of its body and cream-colored fur on its underside. When the flames are burning its back has the appearance of being covered in spines, and Cyndaquil uses those flames to defend itself. If Cyndaquil is angry or defensive those flames grow larger and become more powerful. A fanart Pokémon progress bar for YouTube with cute Cyndaquil.