Pokémon Sylveon Progress Bar for YouTube

Pokémon Sylveon

Pokémon Sylveon
Pokémon Sylveon progress bar
Logo Custom Progress Bar for Youtube

Custom Progress Bar for YouTube


Sylveon is a cute pink and blue fairy-type Pokémon that evolves from Eevee when leveled up knowing a fairy-type move. Sylveon is one of the final and cutest forms of the Eevee and the other forms are Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, and Glaceon. Sylveon is a mammalian Pokémon, she is covered with pale cream-colored fur. Sylveon also has bright pink feet, pink ears, and a gorgeous pink tail. And in contrast, Sylveon has light blue eyes, and two long ears with blue interiors. There's a Galarian fairy tale that describes a beautiful Sylveon vanquishing a dreadful dragon Pokémon. Sylveon is the only Eeveelution with light‐colored eyes. A fanart Pokémon progress bar for YouTube with Sylveon.