Pokémon Wartortle Progress Bar for YouTube

Pokémon Wartortle

Pokémon Wartortle
Pokémon Wartortle progress bar
Logo Custom Progress Bar for Youtube

Custom Progress Bar for YouTube


Wartortle is a Water-type turtle Pokémon that evolves from Squirtle at level sixteen and further evolves into Blastoise at level thirty-six in the Pokémon games. Wartortle is an indigo-colored reptilian Pokémon that looks a lot like an average turtle, but with two feather-like ears on its head covered in pale blue fur. Encasing Warturtle's body is a shell in brown with a pale yellow underside. Poking out of its shell is a thick wavy tail that is similar to its ears has light blue color fur on it and cannot be withdrawn to Wartortle's shell completely. Wartortle appears not only in the Pokémon games but also in Pokémon anime like in Team Wartotle or May's Wartprtle. A fanart Pokémon progress bar for YouTube with Wartortle.