Pusheen Halloween Vampurr with a Donut Progress Bar for YouTube

Pusheen Halloween Vampurr with a Donut

Pusheen Halloween Vampurr with a Donut
Pusheen Halloween Vampurr with a Donut progress bar
Logo Custom Progress Bar for Youtube

Custom Progress Bar for YouTube


The internet's favorite cat Pusheen is now ready to celebrate Halloween with a new vampire Dracula costume and now she should be called Vampurr Pusheen. She made her fur purple as a lifeless vampire skin and even got a juicy donut in her tiny little paws. Now Vapmurr Pusheen will not only be disguised between Halloween ghosts but will also be a star of every party and will be able to scare off any wondering spirits that might return to the earthly world. Even count Dracula himself would be confused with Vampurr Pusheen's costume or even might take it as his long-lost mirror reflection and think how good he looks past so many ages. A fanart Pusheen progress bar for YouTube with Halloween Pusheen Vampurr with a Donut.