Futurama Benders Happy Dance Progress Bar for YouTube

Futurama Benders Happy Dance

Futurama Benders Happy Dance
Futurama Benders Happy Dance progress bar


Robot Bender Bending Rodriguez or simply Bender is one of the main characters in the Futurama cartoon series. Bender was born, or rather made in 2996 by MomCorp Tijuana with serial number 2716057 and designated Bending Unit 22. But Bender is not a simple bending unit, he knows how to have fun. Bender drinks crazy amounts of alcohol stating that it is needed to recharge his batteries, probably from partying, as his work in delivery does not require hard labor from his end, and he smokes just to look cool. To celebrate his lifestyle he dances a lot. A fanart Futurama progress bar for YouTube with Robot Benders Happy Dance.