Cute Axolotl Dance Progress Bar for YouTube

Cute Axolotl Dance

Cute Axolotl Dance
Cute Axolotl Dance progress bar


The axolotl is an amphibian neotenic salamander with lizard-like limbs, related to the family of tiger salamanders, and it can be found in Mexico City, Lake Xochimilco, and lake Chalco. Axolotl also has many funny names like Mexican Walking Fish, water monster, or just Mexican salamander. Axolotls are very hard to find in other freshwater lakes except if someone was keeping them as a pet. Axolotls can have different colors as their cells produce different pigmentations with most rare ones causing axolotls to have iridescent color. Alxolotls are more cute amphibians than fish, despite the fact that they spend most of their time in the water. A cute custom progress bar for YouTube with Cute Axolotl Dance.