Genshin Impact Spirit Soother in Hu Tao Hat Progress Bar for YouTube

Genshin Impact Spirit Soother in Hu Tao Hat

Genshin Impact Spirit Soother in Hu Tao Hat
Genshin Impact Spirit Soother in Hu Tao Hat progress bar


Hu Tao is one of the playable Pyro characters in the Genshin Impact game that has the skill to summon and commands a blazing spirit called the Spirit Soother. Spirit Soother deals pyro damage in a large area, and upon striking the enemy, it regenerates a percentage of Hu Tao's Max Hp. This regeneration effect can be triggered up to five times, based on the number of enemies Spirit Soother hits. If Hu Tao's Health is below or equal to half when Spirit Soother hit the enemy, Ho Tao receives both damage and health regeneration increased. Ho Tao and her spell Spirit Soother complete each other in so many ways that Spirit Soother even decided to wear Hu Tao's hat. A fanart Genshin Impact progress bar for YouTube with Spirit Soother in Hu Tao Hat.