Genshin Impact Yoimiya Progress Bar for YouTube

Genshin Impact Yoimiya

Genshin Impact Yoimiya
Genshin Impact Yoimiya progress bar


Yoimiya is a playable Pyro character in the video game Genshin Impact. She is a five-star character who was released in the 2.0 update. Yoimiya is a skilled archer and fireworks maker who hails from the Inazuma region. Yoimiya is a cheerful and energetic character who loves to have fun. She is also very skilled in her craft, and her fireworks are known to be some of the best in Inazuma. Yoimiya's Elemental Skill, Niwabi Fire-Dance, allows her to fire a barrage of arrows that deal Pyro damage. A fanart Genshin Impact progress bar for YouTube with Yoimiya.