Halloween Skull Angel Progress Bar for YouTube

Halloween Skull Angel

Halloween Skull Angel
Halloween Skull Angel progress bar


Skulls are one of the major Halloween symbols together with ghosts, witches, sceletons, and black cats. The skull is a symbol of death and danger and together with the skeleton its a reminder of the shortness of human life and human mortality. That's why the skeleton and the skull are chosen to be a symbol of Halloween as Halloween has always been a holiday about the dead and the spirit of Stingy Jack. Some people believed the old traditions, that on Halloween night the spirits of the dead can use the weakness of the barrier between worlds and pass it to the world of the living and walk the earth again. Another reason for skulls and skeletons to be the popular symbol of Halloween is because of their great visuals as costumes. But our Skull is a combination of a bad symbol skull and the cute angel. A Halloween custom progress bar for YouTube with Skull Angel.