Halloween Spooky Cartoon Ghost Progress Bar for YouTube

Halloween Spooky Cartoon Ghost

Halloween Spooky Cartoon Ghost
Halloween Spooky Cartoon Ghost progress bar


Ancient celts' culture tells us that at that time people believed that on the night before the new year the boundary between the world of the living and the dead became thin and blurred and ghosts could enter the realm of the living. And on the night of October 31, they celebrated their holiday of Samhain, the day as they believed, the spirits of the dead, or ghosts returned to earth. At the ancient Samhain festival, Celtic people would light bo9nefires and wear costumes to scare off ghosts and evil spirits away. And in the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November the 1st as a time to honor all saints, and later All Saints day incorporated some traditions of Celtic Samhain. A Halloween custom progress bar for YouTube with Halloween Spooky Cartoon Ghost.