Minecraft Moobloom Cow Progress Bar for YouTube

Minecraft Moobloom Cow

Minecraft Moobloom Cow
Minecraft Moobloom Cow progress bar


The Moobloom cow is a passive mob that was introduced in Minecraft Earth. It is a yellow cow with buttercups growing on its back. Mooblooms are known for their friendly nature and their ability to interact with bees. They have big black eyes, a white muzzle, and gray horns. Mooblooms are slightly smaller than regular cows. Mooblooms are passive mobs, meaning they will not attack players unless provoked. They wander around aimlessly, avoiding lava and cliffs high enough to cause fall damage. Mooblooms will also follow bees around, and they will even produce pollen if they are close enough to a flower. A fanart Minecraft progress bar for YouTube with Moobloom Cow.