Pokémon Glaceon Dancing Progress Bar for YouTube
Glaceon is an Ice-type pokemon and is one of the Eevee's evolutions in the Pokémon game series. It evolves from Eevee when it gets leveled up near an Ice Rock or if it gets exposed to an Ice Stone. Glaceon is one of the Eevee's final forms alongside Vaporeon, Flareon, Umbreon, Sylveon, Leafon Espeon, and Jolteon. By controlling its body temperature air freezes around Glaceon and produces ice crystals or diamond dust surrounding it. Glaceon can also freeze its fur into sharp needle-like ice spikes that can fire at its opponents or be used as protection from harm. Glaceon is popular at ski resorts for its ability to create powdery snow. A fanart Pokémon progress bar for YouTube with Glaceon Dancing.