Halloween Mummy Dancing Progress Bar for YouTube

Halloween Mummy Dancing

Halloween Mummy Dancing
Halloween Mummy Dancing progress bar


Mummies are not that Egyptian as we think about them, they can also be found in Chile and Peru that date to 5000 BC while Egyptian mummies are only from 2500 BC. There are also Takla Makan Mummies from China that are over 3000 years old, but strangely they are not Chinese. Mummies were made not only from people, but birds, cats, dogs, baboons, crocodiles, hippos, and even plants were also mummified and found by researchers in the excavation sites. In Victorian times mummies were unwarped after dinner as popular entertainment for guests. Some even tried to use mummies as healing aids to cure stomach pains. But this Halloween season mummies are here to party. A Halloween custom progress bar for YouTube with Mummy Dancing.